15/02/2012IRC Mechanic Day 2012
Beginning from last year, this event has been included in annual agenda of IRC events, which aimed to create and to enhance emotional bonding between mechanics and IRC brand itself. IRC as the biggest motorcycle tire factory in Indonesia has seen mechanics as one of the most important factor in increasing customers loyalty thereby it has became one of our prime concern to create a stronger bond with all of these mechanics.
This event was held at the very first time in the year of 2011 which focusing in 2 main area, Jabodetabek and Bandung. While for 2012 IRC has scheduled to approach mechanics in another 4 area outside Java island, in this case they are Banjarmasin, Palembang, Makassar, and Bali.
From the response we have got from the mechanics within these cities, IRC has planned to held IRC MD 2013 in several areas including Java Island.